Bullfighting - Bullfighting Terms
*Toro Bull
*Plaza de toros Bullring
*Corrida Bullfight
*Matador Star Bullfighter
*Torero Bullfighter (general term applicable to any person who engages in the ultimate death of the bull)
*Picador Lancer (on horseback)
*Banderillero Bullfighter (on foot) who inserts barbed wooden decorated sticks into the bull´s neck muscle
*Traje de luces Suit of lights (colourful sequinned suit worn by bullfighters)
*Veronica A type of pass whereby the cape is drawn over the bull´s head while the man holds a posture.(There are many terms used for defining moves, which makes reading an article in the press on bullfighting rather esoteric)
*Novillos A novice bullfighter is called a novillero and fights not in a corrida, but in a novillada with young bulls (novillos)